Listen to the films
Music Score Composer
Original Score, Trailer, Additional Music,
Arrangements, Music Director, Sound Design

Bastien Houllé
Why is music in movies important ?
As a film music composer, I understand the paramount importance of music in a film or a video game. It actively participates in the storytelling, enhancing the emotions of the characters and immersing the audience into the narrative world.Whether evoking moments of tension and suspense, conveying joy or sadness, or accompanying thrilling action sequences, the music forges a deep emotional connection between the audience and the on-screen story.Additionally, the music establishes connections between the visuals and the sound, thus intensifying the impact of pivotal scenes and leaving a lasting impression on the audience's minds.
My Mission
My mission is to closely collaborate with the director to comprehend their artistic vision, emotional intentions, and the atmosphere they wish to create.The music I compose is much more than a mere accompaniment; it's a powerful emotional language
that directly interacts with
the audience.My objective is to create unique musical themes and motifs that seamlessly blend with the visuals and pace of the film, reflecting the essence of the characters and the evolution
of the storyline.
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